UHA Mikakuto Co., Ltd.
Pucho Aahn (Open your mouth for Pucho) 4D Goggles
- Movie
- Graphic
- Design
- Campaign
- PR
For the brand renewal in April 2022, the sanitary product brand Elis changed its brand slogan to “It’s not about just anyone. We’re here to support you.” A brand movie expressing the brand’s intention to care for and stay alongside each individual period needs, was created. The “meet my elis” project was also started, allowing customers to find the right sanitary napkin for them. The pandemic raised awareness toward the issue of period poverty, and as part of this rebranding project, the Napkin-Aid Scholarship was also initiated, in which a year’s supply of sanitary napkins was offered free of charge as “scholarships” to students who needed support in purchasing sanitary products for various reasons. As applications were called for, the topic was taken up widely on social media, and lead to more than 10,000 tweets on “Napkin-Aid Scholarships,” spreading wide concern toward the social issue.
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